• Sam_Knowle

  • William_T

  • 8inchplus2

  • CoCoChiChi

  • pegcityott

  • Jacquin

  • geroy71

  • WPRT

  • pdoug1

  • winpegstal

  • slim shady

  • Kalibi

  • University of Manitoba

    Cruising Areas

    3 Stalls, first 2 have a new and peep hole, the last 1 has no holes.
    Crowd: Mostly middle aged men, with the occasional university stud.

  • Adonis Spa

    Bathhouses Saunas

    Newly renovated, clean and warm feeling. Hope they keep it up. Free comdons and lube action in hallways, steamroom and sauna, some dark corners where

  • Lagimodiere Gaboury Park

    Cruising Areas

    This is a year round park that is mainly used for sports in the far western area of the park. There are lots of neat bike trails and paths that take y

  • Kildonan Park - Witches Hut

    Cruising Areas

    Bushes, benches, lots of quiet places in the park to go off to after meeting a guy. Bathrooms are nearby too.
    Crowd: Sock guys, local dudes, skater
