Glenns Tastee Freeze
Cruising Areasadvertisements on the walls with phone numbers, etc. Can bolt lock the door from the inside for privacy after meeting. Lots of factory workers there o
YMCA Wilkes Family
Bathhouses Saunasthe steam room is secluded and dimly lit. The hot tub has lights, but inside. Room all of its own, so still private. They are both inside the men's lo
W Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir
Cruising AreasMost all the outhouses at all the reservoir exits have s and non-stop, unlimited , 24 hours/7 days a week. Mostly the parks on Hwy 268 are the cruisie
Dark Mountain Trail
Cruising AreasVery well-bushed and shaded trail, goes miles out into the woods. Very quite and secluded. Lots of areas to go off by yourselves after meeting. Creeks