Mooloolah River National Park


off Claymore Rd - a continuation of Sippy Downs Drive

Is This Your Business?

Usually minimum clothing as guys are working out - joggers/bikers in Speedo's.
Crowd: Joggers, mountain bikers and bush walkers. Mainly fitness guys plus some international guys from the Uni.

Neighbourhood: Sippy Downs - Chancellor Park

Who's Coming

Joggers, mountain bikers and bush walkers. Mainly fitness guys plus some international guys from the Uni.

Take the Sippy Downs/University exit from the Sunshine Motorway. (UBD page 78) and then follow Sippy Downs Dr and onto Claymore Rd and go to the very end where the bitumen ends and there is a parking area.
  • Crowd:Joggers, mountain bikers and bush walkers. Mainly fitness guys plus some international guys from the Uni.
  • Directions:Take the Sippy Downs/University exit from the Sunshine Motorway. (UBD page 78) and then follow Sippy Downs Dr and onto Claymore Rd and go to the very end where the bitumen ends and there is a parking area.
  • Hours:Mid to late afternoon usually.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Look for a bike parked near the track .... plus bikers and joggers or those interested will stop and have a chat. Just cruise around.
    Cruisiest Spots: Leave the car and follow the main train that goes off to the left and then winds down to the creek and cross to the other side where the forest ends and the open bush starts. That open area is great. Plus further on is good too, but easiest on a mountain bike. These days sometimes more action down towards the bridge on Kawana Way - near the old mud wrestling pits.
  • Nudity / Policy:Yes / Again care - nudity usually away from the main tracks and plenty of spots for nudity. There is also a guy with a trail bike who rides naked occasionally ! (has a white ute and the bike on the back - if no one around he loads the bike on the ute while naked)
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Yobbos at week-ends on trail bikes /4WDs destroying the bush tracks and the Nat Park.
    Warnings: At week-ends you can get bush walking couples on the main trails.
    Watch for reptiles if you go off the main tracks.
whos coming to Mooloolah River National Park