Hotel Ambassador


imskogo-Korsakova av., 5-7,190068, Saint-Petersburg

Is This Your Business?

Luxury hotel with easy evening hookups.
Crowd: High level business men in need of a good time. Mostly Scandinavian and German men.
Reservation recommended: No

Who's Coming

High level business men in need of a good time. Mostly Scandinavian and German men.
Reservation recommended

Located near the Hermitag and downtown St. Petersburg.
  • Crowd:High level business men in need of a good time. Mostly Scandinavian and German men.
    Reservation recommended: No
  • Directions:Located near the Hermitag and downtown St. Petersburg.
  • Hours:Dates open: Year long.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Check people out in the bar to get a feel. In your room, the hotel allows you to internet chat with other hotel guests that are looking for a hookup anonymously. You choose whether to proceed or not.
    Cruisiest Spots: The pool. Try Metro Club located 10 mins taxi ride away.The second floor will be your eye candy.
  • Nudity / Policy:Yes / Accepted only in the sauna and locker room. The pool guy will look the other way if you bring a friend with you for fun.
    Policy: Discreet around lobby, etc.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:Yes
  • Warnings:It's a luxury hotel and your only chance of getting any is actually reserving a room. You must pay for pool use after 11 pm.
whos coming to Hotel Ambassador