Sherbrooke Gay Cruising Areas

  • Sears

    Galeries de Granby , Sherbrooke

    The bathroom in the kitchen department is very cruisy and very discreet, even when someone is coming in, you have time to recompose yourself...

    rating of Sears
  • Place Belvedere Restrooms

    Belvedere South , Sherbrooke

    This is a public mall washroom with one and two urinals. There are partitions between the urinals but some peeking can be done there and take action elsewhere.

    rating of Place Belvedere Restrooms
  • Washrooms LaBaie store

    Carrfour de l'estrie Boulevard Portland , Sherbrooke

    Looks very busy....went there just to take a and noticed many guys I see at the rest area.

    rating of Washrooms LaBaie store
  • Rest area St-Elie

    , Sherbrooke

    Rest area no restrooms.
    Crowd: All kinds but not many truckers.

    rating of Rest area St-Elie
  • Parc Victoria

    , Sherbrooke

    Crowd: Oldermen and some young guys/ cinquantaine, quelques plus jeunes hommes.

    rating of Parc Victoria
  • Parc du Barrage

    , Sherbrooke

    Crowd: Varie (it varies).

    rating of Parc du Barrage