Santa Barbara CIty College, College Center Mensroom


721 Cliff Drive

Is This Your Business?

Crowd: Students, teachers - anyone looking for a release. Starts getting good around 4.

Neighbourhood: Waterfront

Who's Coming

Students, teachers - anyone looking for a release. Starts getting good around 4.

Underneath the College Center on the middle of East campus. The men's bathrooms are on the right-hand side of the building if you are looking towards the ocean. There's a big grassy field out in front.
  • Crowd:Students, teachers - anyone looking for a release. Starts getting good around 4.
  • Hours:Later in the day when less students are around.
    Best times: Late afternoons and evenings. Don't know about the weekends.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Can get busy with students coming in and out during the day - less busy at night/early evening.
    Cruisiest Spots: The last few stalls could keep a few people without anyone knowing it.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:Yes / The door opens automatically - not a good thing if you're getting off.
  • Warnings:The door opens automatically if you try to open it, so just be careful.
whos coming to Santa Barbara CIty College, College Center Mensroom
  • Going there at 12:15, meet me there

    Commented on 11/24/2008 2:54:54 AM
