Crowd: All ages.Facilities: Restaurant, TVcable, TV gay, Saunas,Dark RoomNo
Neighbourhood: Entrando por el Blvd Venezuela a Col. San Francisco primera entrada a la derecha
Who's Coming
All ages.Facilities
saunas(2), Backyard with garden, 3 dark rooms, pool.
Cross street: Blvd. Venezuela
- Crowd:All ages.Facilities: Restaurant, TVcable, TV gay, Saunas,Dark RoomNo
- Directions:saunas(2), Backyard with garden, 3 dark rooms, pool.
Cross street: Blvd. Venezuela
- Hours:12 m to 10 pm weekdays
10am to 10 pm weekend
Best times: Tuesday naked night
Friday and weekend days
- Nudity / Policy:Yes / Pool and backyard areas.
Policy: Nope, but be carefull
- Wheelchair Accessible:No
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