Big "Box-Type" bildg, blue and gray front with a big H on it.
Crowd: Working class men, young men, students from nearby schools.
Neighbourhood: Soyapango
Who's Coming
Working class men, young men, students from nearby schools.
It is easy, get on any of the buses that go to either Soyapango, Ilopango, Cojutepeque or any town west of San Salvador, get off at the Plaza Mundo exit. Or take a cab to Plaza Mundo, Hyper Paiz is accross the street from it.
Cross street: Plaza Mundo
- Crowd:Working class men, young men, students from nearby schools.
- Directions:It is easy, get on any of the buses that go to either Soyapango, Ilopango, Cojutepeque or any town west of San Salvador, get off at the Plaza Mundo exit. Or take a cab to Plaza Mundo, Hyper Paiz is accross the street from it.
Cross street: Plaza Mundo
- Hours:1000 to 1900
Best times: From 1200 to 1900
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Get inside a and tap your foot, a hand will soon reach from under the dividor.
Cruisiest Spots: Urinals and s.
- Wheelchair Accessible:No / One big suitable for someone in wheel chairs and a low .
- Warnings:Sometimes the security guards will come in or the cleaning people will hang out a little too long.
Warnings: Use caution on public transportation, take a cab back to SS if possible. Leave before dark.
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