Salt Lake City Main Library


210 East 400 South

Is This Your Business?

You are available in among the 2 entryways on the east or west side of the structure. Do not go into the primary library, stroll to the stairways in the center of the major entrance hall. Stroll down the stairways to the lower level, make a right as well as go to the toilets located on your left. There are 4 urinals and 3 stalls. The initial 2 stalls have accessibility to be able to see each other.

Hours of Activity

Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-9 p.m.Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.Sunday 1-5 p.m. Closed all holidays.Pretty much anytime
lunch and between 2-7 is the best M-F.Weekends any time.

Who's Coming

There is a Trax stop directly out front. North bound on State Street, turn right on 400 South, next street is 200 East. The Library is on the South East corner. Parking is on all the streets but is metered.

There is a Trax stop directly out front. North bound on State Street, turn right on 400 South, next street is 200 East. The Library is on the South East corner. Parking is on all the streets but is metered.
  • The bathrooms are a really busy hook up spot, but also can be very busy with homeless people, people attending classes in the rooms downstairs.
whos coming to Salt Lake City Main Library