The bathroom behind the carousel is great for crusing and seeing hot . There are two troughs that dudes stand at and whip out there meet. Just be careful and don't make it to obvious that your looking. Remember eye contact is the first sign. Take it slow and have fun cruiseing ur loads.
Neighbourhood: Charlotte
Lake ave all the way to the end. Park over by the pier and carousel.
- Directions:Lake ave all the way to the end. Park over by the pier and carousel.
- Hours:Summer after noons and evenings.
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Just be careful. cops are around the area but never saw them inside the building. Easy to sit on the pier and watch for a hot dude to go in.
- Nudity / Policy:not allowed but definately can see them whip it out.
- Wheelchair Accessible:No / yes
- Warnings:Just be careful
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