3613 E. Van Buren
This place is MUCH nicer that thew old Hideout Cabaret, which has now closed completely. The guys are REALLY HOT, with a littlee somthing for everyone. The manager was a stripper himself in the past, so he knows what it takes to make the customers happy. 12/20/04 A cruiser reports: This
place really rocks. The dancers are all young (early 20's) and very good
looking and well built. They do dance well and know how to tease. The best
part however is the optional lap dances at a very reasonable price of $10.
You don't go into a private room, just off to the side in a lounge. You sit
on a couch and the dancer you choose strattles you and rubs his body on you.
You can hold him, kiss him and occasionally feel his . He will take out
his and rub it on your crouch and other parts. Very erotic and
certainly an opportunity to ask him when he gets off work and would like to
get together. All in all a very great an inexpensive time if you love men's
bodies and contact with a good looking man. Very clean and upscale inside,
only down side is they do not allow or serve liquor.
Crowd: Live Totally nude male strip shows
Neighbourhood: Near Airport
Live Totally nude male strip shows
(You have to be logged in) Add Commentmy fav ryan did a nice photo shoot - now i have pictures to keep me reminded of him ..
Commented on 6/4/2009 1:53:32 AM
headed this way on teh 6th of april is this place still open and what is the current address
Commented on 3/28/2009 12:56:46 PM
heading to phoenix next week - is Ryan still there? i like to have something to look forward to ! - and ill take an extra thousand if hes still there.... the 200 was my most memorable half hour i have had
Commented on 3/3/2009 9:23:14 AM
Have wanted to make it out there on my trips to Phoenix but never was able to make it... This palce still going? Is it worth it to go? Last time I was at an all nude male strip club, it was in Vegas a year or two ago... Miss that there was a place so close. So now I have to head to Phoenix. So can anyone give me the low down on this place? Are the dancers worth it? Young, cute and fun? If anyone can give me a heads up, that would be great! Their website sucks!
Commented on 1/17/2009 5:37:28 AM
awesome -- hard to find - take 10 onto university dr - then right on elwood to 36th and right to illini - then down the street towards university - - $20 to get in - plus $20 for wristband - - gets you another level up - you then can pay the guys $20 a dance -- best $ 250 i ever spent - found ryan 1/2 way thru the first night and went back for another $200 2 nites later .. brad is a bodybuilder .. matt is a 10 - all guys are very nice - but im in love with ryan - if you dont buy the bracelet you can still watch the 10 dancers - and get lap dances for $10 ... get a loan and take $300 - best money you will ever spend ...guaranteed
Commented on 12/2/2008 2:14:00 AM
new location
3432 E. Illini St.
Phoenix, AZ 85040
going tonight
Commented on 11/30/2008 5:31:49 AM
Anyone with any new news??? I missed it on my last trip to PHX... Might be out there this weekend or in about 2 more weeks... Would love to check this place out and I'd love to know what the guys are like and if it will be worth my time and $$ to go there.
Someone please give some detail. And bakopanda thanks for the last reply...
Commented on 8/26/2008 9:00:30 AM
I've been thinking of checking this place out. I'm in town from vegas every other week. But what are the prices like on say a friday or saturday night? Cover, Lap Dances, ect? Thanks for who ever posts.
Commented on 6/28/2008 7:08:45 AM
Hey guys, gunna be out in Phoenix in July and wanted to know when the best time to come here is and whats going on thereas of recently... Their website kinda sucks, so if anyone thats been there recently can give me a heads up, that would be cool!
Commented on 6/21/2008 4:26:13 AM