Lake Crook


Lake Crook Road

Is This Your Business?

No subscription called for right here, open door to the park. The park is open from 7am to 10pm. Some days it can have a great deal of activity and some days it is simply a drive through.

Hours of Activity

Early mornings and late evenings. Some go out there for lunch.

Who's Coming

Go north on Hwy 271 about a mile and half. Take the cross over in front of Mcoys lumber yard. Stay straight lake is about 2 miles down road. Paris city water plant is at the end. Take left and go into Lake Crook.

Go north on Hwy 271 about a mile and half. Take the cross over in front of Mcoys lumber yard. Stay straight lake is about 2 miles down road. Paris city water plant is at the end. Take left and go into Lake Crook.
  • The normal drive and tap the brake lights. Go to very back where boat ramp is for most hook ups.
whos coming to Lake Crook