Albrook Bus Station


Albrook Bus Station .. also known as Terminal Nacional de Transportes

Is This Your Business?

super clean washrooms
Crowd: all sorts of Latinos

Neighbourhood: Albrook

Who's Coming

all sorts of Latinos

It is the national bus station and serve by many city buses
  • Crowd:all sorts of Latinos
  • Directions:It is the national bus station and serve by many city buses
  • Hours:24 hrs
    Best times: 0600-0600 ( 24 hours)
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:It will be obvious bet is the main washrooms, pull at the urinals first and then decide where to go .. one option is to go to the smaller places or back to your hotel...
    Cruisiest Spots: On the lower level there are 2 large washrooms either side of the main entrance hall ( as you look at the main entrance, the larger washroom to the right is more cruisy, especailly later at night )and 2 smaller ones at either end of the hall and 2 on the upper levels either side of the main stairs
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:25c per entrance!!!
    Warnings: It is a main transport hub and so the majority of people are actually there for the purpose for which they were intended
whos coming to Albrook Bus Station