Split Oak Park
, Orlando
When you enter the path, take the one to the right and head back towards the pond. Guys cruise this main path and will lead you to a side trail if they are interested.
Crowd: All types! Great in t ...
, Orlando
When you enter the path, take the one to the right and head back towards the pond. Guys cruise this main path and will lead you to a side trail if they are interested.
Crowd: All types! Great in t ...
, Orlando
A nice meeting point, but has been getting more and more dangerous. Have been almost caught coming out of the restroom and once in a truck. Safest thing to do is if you have a high vehicle, both sit i ...
1800 South Kirkman Road , Orlando
The community college provides great
cruising. There are several locations
which see action. The Physical Education
Building has a cruisy locker room and
action is often taken to littl ...
, Orlando
This is a private park which costs a few
dollars to get in but is usually worth it.
Keep to the right as you enter the park
and follow signs to the Ecology Building.
Guys connect outsid ...
1500 Epcot Resorts Boulevard , Orlando
The cruisy restroom gets busy after 5pm while nearby hotel offices close. Also check out the men's restroom in the pool grotto area.
Crowd: Locals and visitors.
6443 Westwood Blvd. , Orlando
The hotel's lobby and more secluded areas
are cruisy most evenings. Action occurs
in the men's restroom poolside. Hotel staff
have large number of gays who do not
discourage activity. ...
, Orlando
update 12/2/2008: No Gloryhole anymore.
Use the bathroom on the second floor all the way in the back. There is a between the last 2 stalls. I met the current guy I'm dating there. NICE!!!!