Dob Park
A611 Hucknall bypass , Nottingham
Layby on A611 Hucknall bypass between Annesley Road roundabout and Wasdyke Lane. Dob Park located adjacent to road, a wooded area with footpaths.
A611 Hucknall bypass , Nottingham
Layby on A611 Hucknall bypass between Annesley Road roundabout and Wasdyke Lane. Dob Park located adjacent to road, a wooded area with footpaths.
Shakespeare St, Nottingham , Nottingham
Basement floor toilets are a great place to find a fit lad wankin by the s or under the stalls, have had a few there ;) quite quiet most of the time and never seen any cleaners etc. No attendants eit ...
Tinsley road Eastwood , Nottingham
Wild country park area with canalside walks and wooded walks, plenty of hidden places to sneak away to if you get lucky!
Gravelly Hollow , Nottingham
Dead end road off Oxton Road (B6386) near Calverton. Very secluded forest area. Best place is second layby on left.
Sandhurst Road, Bulwell , Nottingham
Car Parking facing open area with woods behind.
B6011 Linby , Nottingham
Lay By just out of Linby Village. Wooded area and stile access from layby. Just park up and go into woods.