725 6th Ave
(212) 924-4633
Video / Bookstore with arcade in very back. Two rows of booths, half of which are buddy booths with open slots and frosted glass partitions. Slots are plenty big for the thickest .
Crowd: Mix, blue collar, white collar, latins, whites, blacks and just about everyone else..
Neighbourhood: Chelsea east
Mix, blue collar, white collar, latins, whites, blacks and just about everyone else..
(You have to be logged in) Add CommentThat was it will LIKELY close by the end of this month.
Commented on 1/3/2009 4:07:11 AM
With metal plates over the slots between each booth, this place has become a �ghost town� making its days numbered. With the traffic they are getting now, it will unlikely close for good by the end of January.
Commented on 1/1/2009 3:44:46 AM
On a visit Friday afternoon, I heard one of the attendants in a conversation with one of the customers that he was friendly with mentioning that the store was likely closing soon due to the poor economy. I can�t really see how they are suffering since they take many dollars from the machine when they empty out the $ of the day, and considering that the 3 minutes that they claim to give you on each $ seems to get shorter each time that I do play or observe the machines (some times it is really boring at these places and you can�t help but keep track of the time, and 3 minutes is becoming 2 minutes on each $).
They claim that they have been getting many violations recently from the city and considering how dirty the places have been, rarely cleaned or mopped up after much usage, they do deserve the fines that they get from the potential health hazards.
Whether it�s a �crackdown� or just a passing phase, many of these places are becoming extinct and are disappearing from out city!
Commented on 11/22/2008 1:23:15 AM
Yes, of the 12 booths, 10 of them have either Gloryholes or the slots to interact with your neighbor. The attendants are pushy towards standing around without using the booths and will chase you out for �loitering�. They just want to keep the flow of $ coming in for the booths usage, and DO prevent the hustlers from coming in here.
I have had action about 4 out of every 5 times that I come to this place, so it�s highly recommended!
Commented on 4/16/2008 4:20:52 AM
any gloryholes?
Commented on 4/15/2008 5:51:44 AM
This place is a long time staple and there's usually something to be had here. Gets a really diverse crowd and can be packed after work. There used to be a hot guy who worked late Friday night who I used to mess around with but none of the other staff ever seemed interested (nor would I want them to be!) When it's less crowded you can usually get two in a booth though I've been caught doing that my fair share of times.
Commented on 1/24/2008 8:18:32 AM
This place rarely disappoints. I usually get there around 8:00 p.m. and it's usually busy. If you want to hang around the booths and not put any money in, what can I tell you?
Commented on 8/24/2007 10:22:27 AM