815 Foxon Rd (Rte 80)
Another cruiser helps us out: 'A very clean video room with with 3 buddy booths and about ten regular booths. Ample-sized s are available in most booths. Chairs in regular booths are a little uncomfortable, but the buddy booths have nice padded bench seats. It is a very active place. Always someone looking to around there. As long as you keep dropping tokens, the management will leave you alone.'
Crowd: Everybody
(You have to be logged in) Add CommentHey Fencingfabio, it would be helpful if you'd open your profile. That way folks would know what you like and not. As far as going there, it's scary at first like anywhere else, but there's nothing to worry about. The "regulars" are mostly just hanging out. You might get pestered a little, but they're not that bad. If it's privacy you want, the buddy booths in the first hallway are pretty private once you lock the door. You can drop me an email if you'd like to chat.
Commented on 6/17/2009 9:45:56 AM
twink here... kinda nervous to go to this place alone. anyone wanna meet me and we can go together?
Commented on 6/16/2009 2:07:01 AM
Went here Monday night and was great. Some guy gave me a great long bj around midnight. We left the store right after and nodded as we got into our cars... get back to me, cause i'd love to return the favor!
Commented on 5/28/2009 12:10:32 PM
Went here Monday night and was great. Some guy gave me a great long bj around midnight. We left the store right after and nodded as we got into our cars... get back to me, cause i'd love to return the favor!
Commented on 5/28/2009 12:10:30 PM
Very busy here today.. wow
Commented on 4/23/2009 3:13:02 AM
Your Welcome
Commented on 4/15/2009 6:06:30 AM
meet me there on saturday
Commented on 4/14/2009 12:09:09 PM
Thanks for the commercial Iam4thecurious. We get it. You work there.
Commented on 4/14/2009 9:01:03 AM
wow! Its been hot in Bridgeport and East Haven
Commented on 3/27/2009 1:55:35 AM
Commented on 2/28/2009 11:13:38 AM
will be here tomorrow after lunch if anyone wants a good BJ.
Commented on 2/25/2009 8:06:22 AM
come on down to the real arcade!
Commented on 1/26/2009 3:31:40 AM
Hey, sullivanj - wear a shirt with pockets - preferably with buttons or even better, velcro closed flaps and secure your valuables that way.
Commented on 1/14/2009 4:45:23 AM
I like this place, and go about once/twice a month. The staff is friendly and the rooms are private besides the glory holes. However, right before the Holidays I was pick-pocketed by good looking (straight/bi) guy pretending to be gay. He walked into my booth and preceded to tell me about how much alike him and I were (I found that converstation to be strange) he then left in a hurry and I was out $100.! Definetly a lessoned learned for me when going into places like this. At least I felt up this pretty boy before he took my money but it still wasn't worth my loss!
Commented on 1/13/2009 3:43:41 AM
Hey Guys, 25 yr old with limited experience. I would like to make a stop by here tomorrow and hook up with a CD or TV. Someone with some experience as I have little. Closeted, discreet here, expect the same.
Commented on 12/30/2008 3:58:31 AM
sounds like you are looking for something else too
Commented on 12/14/2008 10:45:01 AM
Looking for breeders this afternoon Sunday 14 starting noon till 2 or so.... come on by!!
Commented on 12/14/2008 9:30:19 AM
Allot of fresh meat cummin in lately
Commented on 12/9/2008 8:19:40 AM
hot time this weekend
Commented on 12/6/2008 9:12:43 AM
Its a hot place to go Mike try it out
Commented on 11/24/2008 12:06:31 PM
Like to go today...wanna meet someone there and have some fun..get back to me
Commented on 11/23/2008 7:58:20 AM
This place rocks!!! Better than the one in Bridgeport and Milford!
Commented on 11/4/2008 3:52:06 AM
martinaxman, it was the last one on the left...hope you were watching.
Commented on 11/3/2008 3:30:29 AM
--Just curious Rickinheat, was that the last booth way in the back or one of the front ones? I've seen some really hot stuff in that last booth.
Commented on 10/30/2008 9:40:27 AM
Gross. I have had that experience from time to time. Sorry you did. When you catch it right it's great. If you catch it wrong, it sucks. Just the luck of the draw. Usually I just either put my foot up to the hole or simply say "get lost" when they're that obnoxious. Eventually they get the hint.
Commented on 10/26/2008 3:20:21 AM
at 3pm today..place was packed. Parking lot full. Continues to be a great place. Going next wednesday afternoon again
Commented on 10/22/2008 4:01:58 AM
Its been hot at the east haven store
Commented on 10/18/2008 11:11:17 AM
HOw is this place looking now? What is the population there and how active is?
Commented on 9/19/2008 12:27:58 PM
Hey boys, what is going on? Are we looking for pleasure , friedns or nothing? Lets talk and hook up!
Commented on 9/13/2008 8:17:33 AM
Amen, again, brother.
Commented on 8/11/2008 10:01:57 AM
glad to see that posts that are denegrating toward others that are flagged are pulled.......
Commented on 8/11/2008 1:34:27 AM
Amen brother.
Commented on 8/9/2008 2:02:21 AM
is there another romantix in new haven?
Commented on 8/8/2008 9:25:06 AM
I just want to assure everyone that I realize that no business is perfect....but I am always looking to make ours better so if you have any complaints regarding Romantix you can email me here and be sure I will follow up to make your experience the best possible.
Commented on 8/8/2008 7:57:20 AM
No apology....you accused me of using this site as a ploy to increase business on 8/6/08. BTW why should I apologize for something I said about someone who is not you? You deny being an ex-employee and you have no picture in your profile so on both counts I was not speaking about you as you deny being who I thought you were. AND I said IF you were who I thought you were then the descriptions I mentioned would apply, since you say you are not he then what are you looking for?
This will end my comments on this issue as I have said my intention is to provide you guys with a fun place to go have some fun. ENUFF SAID.....email me if you have any problems at my stores and you can be assured I will investigate all complaints.
Commented on 8/8/2008 4:48:19 AM
Im a bit curious, As i read these posts, i see that i am being accused of insulting iam4thecurious first?? If i do recall and you can check, at 8-6-2008 11:35:18am, he stated and i quote "28vers is part of a campaign to discredit Romantix. Disgruntled ex-employees and our competition....if you wanna call it that. Unless 28vers shows his pic then I can only assume that its who i think it is and believe me the one I suspect would empty the place out as soon as he arrived! Serious mental issues."
i believe that he is first to throw around insults, as all i did was state my experiance, and try to expose the so-called "planting". I will agree to you all there have been times that i heard the place was hot, but i personnally never seen it. I have been using the Bridgeport store for cruising and found another AVS for movies, as well as online. I will apologize for my post on 8-6-2008, I completely forgot the word "THIS" before "Romantix is nothing more than an over-priced corprate entity scaming people online to make a GOAL."
this was a typographical error that must have made iam4thecurious go all defenseive. Now upon this appology, i am calling for Iam4thecurious to make a public appology, as i have never stated even one derogotory comment about iam4thecurious' person, for stating the comments that i have serious mental issuses and the derogotory comments about my appearance. HE does not know me, nor does he have any experiance with me.
Commented on 8/8/2008 4:33:27 AM
arik if you read down the posts it was 28 vers who insulted me first, and I don't "plant" stories. You yourself heard of a similar story in the recent past not promoted by me. All I have ever said is that Romantix is a great time for most people and its hit or miss as to when its "hot" and when its not. I do not denegrate any other cruising site or business, I just promote Romantix because I think we do a good job. Simple as that.
Commented on 8/8/2008 2:56:11 AM
What is facinating about you 28vers is that you speak about people recognizing me as if I was trying to hide....YOU are the one with no picture of yourself not me. I am quite open about where I work and I dont manage the Foxon store I supervise all 3 stores. And anyone who uses the word Goal has to be a former employee......For the rest of you...keep coming to Romantix and enjoy yourselves.
Commented on 8/7/2008 12:00:58 PM
28Vers go to Naug. store PLEASE!!!!!! we do a great business without the likes of you.
Commented on 8/7/2008 11:39:04 AM
As for the soccer team TRY READING I said SOME of the soccer team not the entire team...extravagant claims? only coming from 28vers pea brain.
Commented on 8/7/2008 11:37:48 AM
28vers is part of a campaign to discredit Romantix. Disgruntled ex-employees and our competition....if you wanna call it that. Unless 28vers shows his pic then I can only assume that its who i think it is and believe me the one I suspect would empty the place out as soon as he arrived! Serious mental issues.
Commented on 8/7/2008 11:35:18 AM
Thanks for your comments...just to clarify I was defending myself as a member and one who posts on the site.
Commented on 8/7/2008 9:04:21 AM
wheres my post...new here cant see it
Commented on 8/7/2008 8:26:31 AM
Good for you 28vers......now learn to read so that when you speak about your experiences you will have accurate information to share. I too have a right and willingness to share my experiences and of course I have issues with past employees and if you were really an executive you would know that anyone in management has issues with past employees especially if one has to fire them. As I stated b4 I am not hidden behind a screen name with no picture, and I am available to hear any complaints by customers....Since the conditions at all the Romantix stores have improved during my tenure as supervisor of all 3 stores, I will take the fact that you like our Bridgeport store as a compliment. If there are interesting things happening at any of my stores I have a right to post it here regardless of how you feel about it. I heard about the soccer player thing and I passed it on. Obviously it has happened b4 given the post regarding the SCSU students who come to our store. YOU obviously have issues and if you do then simply stay away from east haven and go to where you have a good time. But since your post denegrated ROMANTIX as a company I still believe you have an agenda. You are very transparent.
Commented on 8/7/2008 5:43:41 AM
Wow now i really have to laugh at iam4thecurious, He assumes i am someone that worked for his company? Im sorry but you got the wrong idea there. and as me being part of a campaign to discredit Romantix, again WRONG. the bridgeport store is great, the only store i was stateing the truth about is the EAST HAVEN (new haven) store. Iam4thecurious, you appearantly have an issue with former employees. Also soccer players, business execs have to be former employees? i quote "And anyone who uses the word Goal has to be a former employee"
To everyone else out there, i have never worked for the company and have no hidden agenda behind this. I am just doing exactly what the post is for, notify about my experances.
Commented on 8/7/2008 4:53:01 AM
Hey Allaboutme! the way you look why not come on down to East Haven We would be glad to host you!
Commented on 8/7/2008 1:18:57 AM
send the soccer team players to Naugy - we will gladly accept them....
Commented on 8/7/2008 1:14:07 AM
Commented on 8/6/2008 11:47:39 AM
I have NEVER known the staff to be anything byut pleasant and friendly, so who knows where that came from. Far as the clientelle, I agree. All theaters/AVS are hit or miss depending on the moods and the weather. No idea why these two are trying to hammer the place, and I wonder why they keep returning if it sucks so bad.Maybe a different agenda?
To Iam4thecurious, Did that soccer team show up? <grin>
Commented on 8/6/2008 11:15:01 AM
WOW the last 2 posts contradict each other so it MST be a place for all types! And how about you 28versitle/ where's your pic so we can see what YOU look like?
Like every bookstore there are good days and bad days but many people enjoy it there.
Commented on 8/6/2008 10:32:10 AM
Iam4thecurious, maybe the reason the soccer team never showed up is that you are using this site as a ploy to increase traffic volume to the store you manage? Im sure more people in here recognize you than you think. To anyone on this comments list, has anyone notice that the comments tend to be extravagant claims, i mean seriously a whole soccer team showing up at an AVS? Thats a mighty big claim as well saying romantix is the #1 hotspot in CT. With the number of comments on Video Temptations in Naugatuck over 100 and most Positive.
Romantix is nothing more than an over-priced corprate entity scaming people online to make a GOAL.
Commented on 8/6/2008 6:34:38 AM
I can't believe this place has over 80 comments, despite the fact that it sucks! To anyone who's been there lately, are the young dudes still crowding up the joint or has the older hung daddies found this place yet?
Commented on 8/5/2008 2:23:51 AM
This place sucks, the staff is very irritable, and most of the people in back are trolls, only once have i seen anyone under 40 back there that is clean. The smell of possible drug users emminate all over the back room.
Commented on 8/4/2008 7:19:26 AM
WOW! That's what I call insider info!!
Commented on 8/4/2008 3:18:54 AM
Get down to Romantix today Some serious hot dudes going there from a soccer team will be there at 3pm
Commented on 8/4/2008 2:02:53 AM
This past Sunday was excellent!
Commented on 7/28/2008 3:19:16 AM
anyone there tonight? is sunday any good???
Commented on 7/27/2008 3:01:32 AM