Camberwell Beat


Camberwell Road - on your right, walking AWAY from Camberwell Junction.

Is This Your Business?

Public lav and surrounding park -- little lanes behind buildings and a school yard.
Crowd: Married men, curious bi.

Neighbourhood: Camberwell Junction

Who's Coming

Married men, curious bi.

#75 Tram to Camberwell Junction.
  • Crowd:Married men, curious bi.
  • Directions:#75 Tram to Camberwell Junction.
  • Hours:All hours.
    Best times: Evening
    Dates open: All hours.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Wait at the or cruise the park.
    Cruisiest Spots: Lavatories and surrounding park and school ground (at night).
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Traffic past lav.
    Warnings: Very open entrance - little or no warning of other people
    coming in.Best to go at night in order to avoid families. Use discretion and clean up after yourself.
whos coming to Camberwell Beat