Meadville Gay Cruising Areas

  • Downtown mall

    920 Water St , Meadville

    Well, I suppose you could cruise the whole mall, but specifically the bathrooms.You go to the one by big lots furniture, there are numbers on the wall and times to meet. Very secluded. Great location ...

    rating of Downtown mall
  • End of the Road

    W. Erie St. , Meadville

    Crowd: Gays, straights

    rating of End of the Road
  • The Spillway - where the ducks walk on the fish

    S. Mercer St. Ext. , Meadville

    Crowd: various people - gay, straight

    rating of The Spillway - where the ducks walk on the fish!
  • Woodcock Lake

    , Meadville

    Lots of great places to have fun.
    Many trails and areas along the lake.
    Camping area there too, so you could stay for the week or just for the day.
    Crowd: All types, family, gay, straight and ...

    rating of Woodcock Lake