Nice, clean, discreet fun. No real cleaners either so no annoyances. No CCTV and no guards - easy and safe fun! Lots of young guys go here, and can get lots of young , really nice boys too.
Crowd: As in the times:***br***Weekday lunchtimes - business men***br***Weekday from 3pm - younger guys Weekends - mixture
Neighbourhood: Westwood
Who's Coming
As in the times
BY BUS - get off and walk towards Subway.
BY CAR - Walk towards Debenhams, then turn corner and walk towards subway.
THEN - Go into the building beside Subway (where the ATM is) and then go upstairs to the toilets!!
- Crowd:As in the times:
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- Weekday lunchtimes - business men
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- Weekday from 3pm - younger guys Weekends - mixture
- Directions:BY BUS - get off and walk towards Subway.
BY CAR - Walk towards Debenhams, then turn corner and walk towards subway.
THEN - Go into the building beside Subway (where the ATM is) and then go upstairs to the toilets!!
- Hours:Monday-Friday: 09.00-20.00
Saturday: 09.00-19.00
Sunday: 11.00-17.00
Best times: Weekdays: lunchtimes for the business type guys, evenings for the younger guys.
Weekends: Anytime, but Sunday is kinda slow
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Whack it out and it off!!! or leave toilet door open!!!
Cruisiest Spots: Usually just hang around, for the business guys they sometimes off by the urinals, sometimes go in toilets and leave the door open.
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- br
- The young guys usually just stand around for ages and you have to approach them, or sometimes they look at you in the mirrors while you stand by urinals.
- Wheelchair Accessible:Yes / Lift up to there and disabled toilets!
- Warnings:None! Just sometime str8 people get in the way lol.
Warnings: None! Just don't go up to people str8 away just in case!
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