Monseigneur Nolenspark


Is This Your Business?

Beautiful, clean park with swans. Nice sights.
Crowd: Average is 30-40yo.

Who's Coming

Average is 30-40yo.

The small park beside Stadspark.
Cross street: Van Heilerhofflaan-Begijnenstraat
  • Crowd:Average is 30-40yo.
  • Directions:The small park beside Stadspark.
    Cross street: Van Heilerhofflaan-Begijnenstraat
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Not very cruisy. Try the Lanes near Van Heylenhofflaan. Best place is behind the artificial river, on the oldish walls (more quiet).
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:The part behind/on the walls is NOT suitable fot wheelchairs: Risky bridge over fast waters.
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