A12 Frostenden


In a lay-by near Frostenden, A12

Is This Your Business?

6/12/7 cruiser Update: The toilet has been closed for about three months and has been gutted and refurbished and has now ONLY ONE cubicle and it closes about
5-30pm/6pm each day.
Crowd: All sorts -- truckers, young, older, married, reps, workmen.

Who's Coming

All sorts -- truckers, young, older, married, reps, workmen.

From Lowestoft direction follow A12, go through Wrentham and just as you leave the village there is a layby on your right
  • Crowd:All sorts -- truckers, young, older, married, reps, workmen.
  • Directions:From Lowestoft direction follow A12, go through Wrentham and just as you leave the village there is a layby on your right
  • Hours:Early evenings/late evenings
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Sit in your car in the lay-by. Play at the /wait in cubicle.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:The best thing about this place is that you really need a car to get there -- so you can hear if anyone arrives!
    Warnings: Never heard of anything -- but use your own caution.
whos coming to A12 Frostenden