Looking for some on the way to work, going home from work, after shopping or after the club? For all you guys who are riders on the Metro. It is becoming a huge trend to ride the last car, known as the 'cruise Car'. It's making it real easy to cruise if we all ride the same car.
Crowd: Commuters
(You have to be logged in) Add Commenthmmm, i havent seen anything like this lately..... and i ride the train day and night. ;-)
Commented on 7/9/2013 6:20:02 PM
You guys know that they have cameras in some of the cars now, right?
Commented on 5/22/2009 1:26:04 AM
when does this happen i usally ride in from noho at night to union
Commented on 5/21/2009 4:26:43 AM
Anybody want to play on the train at night? hit me up I ride from Noho
Commented on 5/12/2009 2:20:05 AM
could not find you, lets try again
Commented on 5/11/2009 10:32:10 AM
hi guys ill be in the last cart today arounde 100pm goign form norht hollywood to unioan and then ill be on one of the late trainses comign home woudl be nice to finda hot guy who is hard onthe train ride ether way i take the traine oan regullar basick just diffrent times so let em know iff u are intresed in meetign up
Commented on 4/16/2009 2:30:57 AM
hey guys whats going on i will be on the train later tonigh arounde 30 8ish maybe even as late as 9 il be comign from passadean and going to van nuys ill go and chek out the bathrooms at union station wheni am headign to work and when i am headign home might even sticka rounde alittle bit would love to have some hot men to rape me in one of the bathrooms so if u are intresed let em know ill chek my email before i go ill have dress shirt and black pants on manly a top butt looking to bttm would love to have it be wiht a groupe of guys let me know
Commented on 3/22/2009 1:06:00 AM
never seen anything on the train those late hrs would be ok i guess
Commented on 12/29/2008 6:04:35 AM
I ride the last car from North Hollywood usually on Monday through Thursday around 9pm towards 7th st. I'm usually alone, wouldn't mind playing with a hot latino or asian in the last seats where the camera isn't pointed
Commented on 12/12/2008 4:37:05 AM
whats up guy's i will be taking the metro from north hollywood to downtowne tomorrowe would love to find a hot guy to play with on the longe train ride down there let em know what cart is the most cruising
Commented on 11/30/2008 5:48:15 AM
Gonna be on the metrolink from fullerton or buena park to union station all week. any other riders ride the "cruise car" would be hot to cruise each other and discretely tease each other... maybey sit in facing seats. E-mail me. This is trarting Tomorrow.
Commented on 10/6/2008 6:18:37 AM