Kettleman City Gas Stn, California


33300 Bernard Dr, Kettleman City, CA‎ -

Is This Your Business?

This is your average gas station but, the restroom in the convenience store is discretely hidden and is quite large for a gas station. There is one that is right next to the urinals with a good view.

Neighbourhood: 5 Freeway

This station is right off the 5 freeway and would be a great spot to stop for a quick connection on a long trip. You can't miss it when you get off on the Kettleman City exit.
  • Hours:Gas station is open 24 hours but, best time would be in the later evening after 5.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:This is a definite drive in and wait for a local to be needing some loving. Lots of people cycle in and out so hang out in the and someone will come along.
  • Nudity / Policy:its a restroom with no camera's just remember anyone could come in.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / yes
  • Warnings:None
whos coming to Kettleman City Gas Stn, California