Large lay-by with a wooded area with benches and a meadow. Popular with truckers and day trippers using it for a rest area. Layby slopes down. 2 areas to go. Bottom end you can get out of your car and walk in to the wooded area. At the top end you can go into the small wooded area. There is a picnic bench here that can be used and is concealed from the layby and road at night. Good for on naked. As no cover in winter use the bottom end where you can get further into undergrowth. Best in summer or at night when action can take place in cars. Better cover at Belton layby or small layby with SOS phone half way between where you can jump the gate into the field to carry on in private etc. Area is getting dirt with etc so must be careful as there are 2 houses v close by and 1 is accessed off the layby and they must know what goes on. Keep it discreet and tidy up. Loca lpolice also aware but no real bother.
Crowd: Truckers after a quicky, business types, farmers etc.
Crowd: Truckers after a quicky, business types, farmers etc.
Neighbourhood: Tugby
Truckers after a quicky, business types, farmers etc.
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