Mile End Gym


190 Burdett Road

Is This Your Business?

After you have used the features go into the mens changing room near the aerobics mats. You can just walk around and leave your door open and people will come in or just look in at the men in the showers and they usually wink if they are up for it.

Neighbourhood: Mile End

D7 D6 227 all stop outside
Or get to milend station and follow signs for mile end leisure centre
  • Directions:D7 D6 227 all stop outside
    Or get to milend station and follow signs for mile end leisure centre
  • Hours:The hours with the best times is usually 3-6. As i have had my fair share of during this time.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Be aware genuine guys taking showers so be careful.
  • Nudity / Policy:As it is a public place be discreet but in the how area walk about with your bits out and you will know who is up for it and who aint.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / Yes disabled showers as well.
  • Warnings:None at the moment
whos coming to Mile End Gym