Sainsburys Whitechapel Branch


1 Cambridge Heath Road

Is This Your Business?

Inside sainsburys, little holes between cubicles, not very busy apart from cruisers, 3 cubicles, 3 urinals. Great fun!

Neighbourhood: Whitechapel

from whitechapel station turn left, it's up the first road to your left. easy to find!
  • Directions:from whitechapel station turn left, it's up the first road to your left. easy to find!
  • Hours:open hours until 10.00. 4-5 is best
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:careful of fmailies and non-cruisers
  • Nudity / Policy:usual
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / nope
  • Warnings:don't hog toilets!
whos coming to Sainsburys Whitechapel Branch