Quite a bit of hot action, mostly older, but when UWL is in session, quite a few college guys show-up for some great action. It happens in the wooded areas, on the beach late at night, or go to apt. or house for more! Group action is frequent... Area is patrolled by police, but they do not walk wooded area much!
Crowd: Various aged group, mostly older, but when UWL is in session, a lot of cute college guys show-up.
Various aged group, mostly older, but when UWL is in session, a lot of cute college guys show-up.
(You have to be logged in) Add Commenthey guys! I am a 22 yr old college guy who lives in la crosse! i am looking to meet up with someone tomorrow! E-mail me at gaybottomboy_1990@hotmail.com.... My e-mail says bottom, but I am definitely vers! :)
Commented on 7/3/2012 10:44:56 PM