Avacado Heights Park


14122 E Don Julian Rd

Is This Your Business?

horse park if you go in through the front and make a left once you hit the feild and go up the hill it's dark and secluded (bring flashlight) lights go out after hours

Neighbourhood: Avacado Height

nearest cross streets are fifth and Don Julian it's located in La Puente CA
  • Hours:9:00pm-12:pm
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:up the hill...most guys are Hispanic
  • Nudity / Policy:not allowed
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / yup
  • Warnings:might be families and people on horseback around
whos coming to Avacado Heights Park
  • I've seen this park before, but had no idea it was cruisy. Maybe someone is tryin to MAKE it cruisy?

    Commented on 6/3/2008 4:38:15 AM
