Treasure Coast Square Mall


3174 NW Federal Highway

Is This Your Business?

This mall had gone downhill especially after several attacks in the parking lot, but has picked up again lately. The restrooms near where
Wicks and Sticks used to be (there's a Cingular kiosk in front of them
now) aren't that busy, but every so often you'll see someone cruising
in here (the Borders restroom is also another spot, which I'll
post another listing for)
Crowd: All types

Who's Coming

All types

The mall in Jensen on the west side of US1, you can't miss it. I95 exits: South of St. Lucie Blvd (Gatlin leads there), north of Palm City (long drive to get back to US1 though, if you're coming from south, get off at the Stuart exit and go to US1 from there then head north to Jensen)
Cross street: Corner of US1 and Jensen Beach Blvd
  • Crowd:All types
  • Hours:Open daily, I believe 10-9pm on weekdays and 11-6pm on Sunday. Holiday hours are different.
    Best times: Weekends, when the mall is busy, though if the mall is too busy there'll be too much traffic going through the washrooms.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Wait at the that's in view of the mirror and see if anyone tries to watch you.
    Cruisiest Spots: The public restroom north of the middle of the mall, towards Burdines,on the left hand side. Down a long hall.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:There's only two stalls, and the partition is too thick to have a glory hole. Sometimes the custodians prop the main door open with the trash can. If you want to do anything more than watch, might want to go off somewhere else.
    Warnings: This /is/ a mall, and the restrooms are by the mall office (which closes at 5PM), so keep an eye out for security. Try to stay low-key and don't leave or whatever lying around to keep
    from raising suspicion.
whos coming to Treasure Coast Square Mall
  • Weil be in fourt court mall ll day tommorow, bathroom r bath room next to ricks dinerid anyone wants to meed up. Hit em up!!!

    Commented on 10/5/2006 2:07:39 AM
