Is This Your Business?
Update 5/20/2008: They have completed the Streamroom. IT is all new and bright and shinny. It even looks bigger, not sure they might have added room on the top row of seats. So check it out. and HAPPY Sweating.
cruiser adds: also tues if u get a dressing cubicle or locker u also get a free pass to use in the next 30 days except weekends and holidays and tues r a blast yum yum
every sunday from 3 pm till 5 is a complete buffet. different type each week pizza,mexican,fried chicken,chineese. and during the months with 5 sundays the 5th is homade chili hot dogs and slaw and chips.
Crowd: all ages
Facilities: yes..yes..yes
all agesFacilities
(You have to be logged in) Add Commentwas there just once so far..... probably not a busy day....had fun in steam room but otherwise not many guys around..... would like to meet someone there to play with
Commented on 10/12/2014 9:58:51 PM
Straight guys welcome? Thong ok I'm common areas? I don't see any active discussions of club jax anywhere online. Thank you guys!
Commented on 7/25/2014 2:01:11 PM
would anyone please take me to this place?
Commented on 9/21/2010 2:36:57 PM
anybody going tonigh?
Commented on 6/19/2009 10:24:52 AM
Any one going today?
Commented on 6/16/2009 8:40:29 AM
going to the club tonight around 8-9 looking for hook ups.....
Commented on 6/16/2009 4:52:21 AM
Tuesday was quite busy. I had lots of fun with some that i'd done before and a few new people. I ended up doing 5 guys with 2 who came, the others just wanted some fun.
Commented on 6/11/2009 8:11:11 AM
how was the crowd on tues night-anybody go?
Commented on 6/10/2009 5:05:22 AM
going to be in jax for a couple of weeks...does anyone know what is required to get into this place....fees, dues, memberships?? What does it cost...
Commented on 6/8/2009 12:26:03 PM
here's the rundown,
daily membership $6 -in case you don't want to become a member
6 month membership $15
monday thru thursday - locker $12 room $20 for 8 hours
friday thru sunday - locker $17 room $25 for 8 hours,
there are also bigger rooms that are $10 more than the regular rooms
the free pass on tuesdays is good for whatever you buy (room=room, locker = locker) and is good for 30 days
i was there last wednesday and it was slow but i did end up getting with this big black guy who was excellent
Commented on 6/8/2009 11:43:55 AM
Looking for someone to walk me thru the place for a first timmer and not into hard play but want to check it out. Please help a guy out. Thanks
Commented on 6/5/2009 2:00:44 AM
like going here and playing. a lot of really nice guys. looking for other players lets chat
Commented on 5/25/2009 11:21:04 AM
Went there for the first time last night and I'm a bit sad that it took me so long to go there. Sure I didn't want to hook up with every guy there, but I didn't have to do that either.
Commented on 5/24/2009 11:41:59 AM
New to town. Can someone give me the straigh scoop on this place, Not the normal bitching and whining on the message bards, just let me know if it is worth a visit.Thanks
Commented on 5/24/2009 5:39:36 AM
biggest dissapointmet ever. every single person there was old enough to be my dad. could not have been more than 15 people in the whole place. staff is extremely unfriendly. there is not even a place to get a drink (a soda or otherwise). i don't know what they mix into the hottub water, but there is no way i was even going to stick my toe in there. i don't know what they do with the revenue, but they are definitely not reinvesting. not worth the money nor a minute of my time.
Commented on 5/19/2009 10:55:32 AM
bi27sav. tuesday is buy one get one free night, if you get a locker or room on tuesday, you get a coupon for a free locker or room that you can use on any other day, except the weekends. it's almost always busier and therefore more younger guys there.
Commented on 5/5/2009 8:24:36 AM
Hey guys, looking to come there again and give it another shot. Just not into older bears, prefer younger guys. When is the best night? Someone told me tuesdays...is that college night?
Commented on 5/4/2009 6:41:51 AM
On Tues. is it better to go after work..like around 5 or later like around 10?
Commented on 4/30/2009 6:10:04 AM
looking to go Saturday night. I am staying in Ponte Vedra beach. Is it worth the taxi?
i am a bottom so a good amount of tops would be good.
or i am open to suggestions msg. me here
Commented on 4/29/2009 6:48:47 AM
will be there around ten am to whenever tomorrow, wed. come and make sure I get filled up good.
Commented on 4/28/2009 4:29:25 AM
Planning on going tomorrow night (Tuesday). Hoping to meet up with a few guys there.
Commented on 4/27/2009 7:43:48 AM
Any young guys going there tomorrow night?
Commented on 4/27/2009 6:02:04 AM
about what time will you be there?
Commented on 4/27/2009 2:18:22 AM
going to be here today around 1. Need some hot action.
Commented on 4/24/2009 11:02:31 AM
I will be in town Monday night and going to the Club. Hope it is still in decent shape and has some hot men there tonight!
Commented on 4/20/2009 7:36:14 AM
any one going to be there next week on friday ?? 18 here just wodering never been before may need some advice and help !
Commented on 4/20/2009 6:32:17 AM
I will be here tomorrow starting at about 12 noon and I will be taking any and all cummers, look for me if you want a good time
Commented on 4/20/2009 2:23:07 AM
Looking to go there later on tonight, hopefully some other guys are interested in going.
Commented on 4/18/2009 5:16:31 AM
be there this Sunday 12ish looking to get filled and fill. shoot me a message if you interested and want some one on one time.
Commented on 4/17/2009 10:14:18 AM
Do any cd's or tv's ever go to the club? And if so are they welcomed?
Commented on 4/16/2009 12:35:57 PM
i will be there tonight around 9pm anyone else going
Commented on 4/16/2009 8:14:01 AM
I might be in the area Sunday night and might check this place out - a bit shy. Anything happening on Sunday nights here?
Commented on 4/15/2009 3:38:04 AM
i really want to go and give this place a try, but cannot afford to go, are there any generous men who would like some company?
Commented on 4/14/2009 2:58:03 AM
anyone for the 14th?
Commented on 4/13/2009 5:46:57 AM
Thinking of checking this place out at lunch..
Commented on 4/7/2009 9:51:12 AM
gonna start going to bath house again. looking for hot times.
Commented on 4/6/2009 3:46:37 AM
gonna be there tomorrow from 11am till
Commented on 4/1/2009 6:37:39 AM
athletic bottom might be going tonight...anybody going?
Commented on 4/1/2009 4:12:38 AM
Never been there. Curious for a while now . What can I expect ? What hours open ?
Commented on 3/29/2009 6:43:38 AM
thank you so much
Commented on 3/28/2009 7:16:55 AM
i am so nervous to go there i feel like i might be uncomfortable and everyone will call me a tease or something but i am really curious
Commented on 3/26/2009 4:50:54 AM
membership is $15 for six months. Yes you can go without a membership, the is is $4 more for the room. I am not sure if you have to be 18 years old to attend or maybe you need to be 21 years old. They are listed in the phone book under clubs or social clubs, give them a call to check out the cost and age. the have a web site that you can go to to get the fees. It would be more fun to ago with someone that has been so hope some one invites you.
Commented on 3/19/2009 10:12:55 AM
how much is a membership there do they have any free trials?
can i go with someone as a guest once?
sorry for all the questions! hahaha
Commented on 3/19/2009 3:41:05 AM
News Flash ! The hot tub is now working. I'd call it a whirlpool tub now because there is definately some motion in the water now. There was a bunch of foam in it too. I'm not sure if they know there is some stuff you can put in there to stop it. Oh well. Oh yeah, it's hot too. Much hotter than it used to be. I had fun in the steam room and my room too.
Commented on 3/8/2009 4:54:45 AM
It's fixed Saltwater. I went to club jax today and had some fun, (i almost always do) and was told by an employee that the hot tub needs to have a couple more things done to it to be fixed. I'm guessing at least a couple of weeks. The steamroom was HOT and the temperature seems to be up a little too.
Commented on 2/18/2009 12:33:02 PM
Anyone know if the hot tub is open yet?
Commented on 2/17/2009 10:10:59 AM
Hi Busyb68,
I tried looking at your provile but received a notice that you have me blocked. I do not know what I may have done to offend you. What did I do wrong or do you just not interested in my profile or what my, "You Know", looks like?
Commented on 2/17/2009 6:20:57 AM
I'm going over now, so I'll report whether the hot tob is in operation when i get back this evening.
Commented on 2/17/2009 1:54:12 AM
Slutmonkey, i'm sorry to hear you won't be going anymore. Oh well, you probably wouldn't have done anything with me anyway. I'm not on the hot list. I personally think if this place closes, there won't be another to take it's place, this is JACKSONVILLE we're talking about here. I mean JAX is a notch in the bible belt. I think the only reason the club jax has stayed here is because they get grandfathered in to any new laws and the outside of the building is very non-descript. If the outside was flamboyant, closed in a heartbeat.
Commented on 2/16/2009 5:29:04 AM
I went today and the steam room is open. It's kinda weird when there are guys working on the hot tub because the manager of the place is hanging around and I don't want to get caught having fun in the steam room by him. I'm guessing the hot tub will be ready in a week or 2. They were starting the refinishing of the bottom of the hot tub today.
Commented on 2/15/2009 11:57:51 AM
News! I called this evening and was told the whirlpool is still closed but the steam room is open.
Commented on 2/13/2009 7:20:54 AM
Hey gimme, from what i understand, to fix the hot tub they have to dig a big hole to get at the pipies. They can't have people walking by a big hole because somebody who would like some money will fall in and sue. At least that's the noise that I heard. It could have to do also that they don't want people hitting on the plumbers. Hmmmmm plumbers.....
Commented on 2/11/2009 8:24:48 AM
I called Tuesday 2/10 and the wet area is still not open.
Commented on 2/11/2009 6:19:04 AM
Is this place worth it without a wet area? What does that mean exactly? It sounded like the steam room was operational... and that seems pretty wet to me! Is it just the hot tub that's not open?
Commented on 2/10/2009 2:35:10 AM
Thinking about heading over to check this place out tonight. I hear Tuesday is the best weekday. Does anyone know why this is? I'm a 28 year old hairy masculine cub who like other masculine hairy guys who are older. Hope to be able to rub up on some hot guys!
Commented on 2/10/2009 2:00:06 AM
Any other buyer would tear it down is what I meant.
Commented on 2/6/2009 7:56:47 AM
I've heard that the widow of the man who owned this place and many others will not sell for sentimental reasons. I also heard she was offered 5 million for it because she owns the land from the parking lot to Atlantic.
So if you want to write her, I would suggest that you state that you are not going to tear it down as I would think any other buyer probably would.
Commented on 2/6/2009 7:54:56 AM
If anyone bothered to do some research on the place they would know it is being held in trust from an estate as shown below. Do you really think that they are going to dump any money into it other then the bare bones to keep it running? Now would be the time for making an offer to buy it from the heirs as an investment, rather then to sit and whine about it. Common sense would say the heirs would no doubt be willing to make some kind of purchase arrangment now for when the second party to the estate dies.
Commented on 2/6/2009 6:02:16 AM
Wow, Use to go here after high school (Years ago) Sounds like nothings changed, but I always managed to have fun here.
Commented on 2/4/2009 10:40:11 AM
You come here because there is a lack of another place to go, but even that has made it not worth it. They have pictures on the wall advertising a travel magazine from 1984, pieces of the drywall in the steam room are falling down onto people, and they rooms are chipping paint. I'm not saying a bathouse is as clean as a hospital, but this place is utterly disgusting. And you don't have to be not picky to not want to catch a rash or something worse from the floors or anything else here.
Commented on 2/2/2009 3:39:28 AM
Went by there today and the WET area (pool, hot tub, steam room) is CLOSED. They are fixing the hot tub. I asked how long the wet area will be closed and was told about a week.
Commented on 2/1/2009 12:38:56 PM
I agree with the previous post...I stopped there about two weeks ago on my way to Ft. Lauderdale, and then again last Saturday night. The place could be a gold mine, but the owner needs to invest some money to bring it up to date. Hot Tub and Sauna were both not working on both occasions, and the pool looks as if it has not been vacuumed for weeks. Staff was not pleasant, and it was more expensive than Club Orlando (which is now a palace), and the Clubhouse ll in Ft. Lauderdale. (which is also old, but always busy). The large fluffy towels at Club Jax are a plus. There were no more than 10 guys there Saturday evening....what a disappointment.
Commented on 1/26/2009 6:58:27 AM
This is something out of the 1970s/80s. WIth all the money they get charging people to get in, you'd think they could renovate, put up some pictures that didn't adverrtise the LA Olympics of 1985, and just make it more modern. They might get more people too. And, I've lived here for 6 years and they just out up new tile in the steamroom, that's about it. It's a true dump, and not worth it to get in.
Commented on 12/31/2008 2:53:59 AM
muscular guy here. Will be at the club Tuesday midday looking for fun. Hope there are at least a few hot guys there.
Commented on 12/28/2008 8:16:13 AM
Been a while. Thinking of stopping by Tuesday night, 6-ish. What's the crowd likely to be at that time?
Commented on 12/27/2008 10:05:09 AM
Hey guys. I'm 20 years old, and would like to try this out. What's Club Jax all about?
How much is it to get in? I heard it was pretty expensive. I'm really just looking for a handjob, that's all.
You guys should hook me up. Haha. Show me around this place.
Are there hottubs?
Commented on 12/6/2008 3:18:39 AM
yall should choose 1 or 2 bottom on here and run a train cho cho
Commented on 12/2/2008 7:23:17 AM