Hot Club with Bar + Dancefloor & Darkroom.
Crowd: All ages but mostly 25 - 45 ish.
Neighbourhood: Old Town
Who's Coming
All ages but mostly 25 - 45 ish.
Enter the old fort & take the firt left turn & proceed up 200 meter & take the first right.
Cross street: Enter the old fort
- Crowd:All ages but mostly 25 - 45 ish.
- Directions:Enter the old fort & take the firt left turn & proceed up 200 meter & take the first right.
Cross street: Enter the old fort
- Hours:10pm till late in the morning.
Best times: 1am till 5am + 5pm- 11pm.
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Most people come to Ibiza to have fun - So don't be shy.
Cruisiest Spots: Almost anywhere in this club is cruisy from the bar to the darkroom.
- Wheelchair Accessible:No
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