I-45 Picnic Area


Rest Area Northbound, Leona, TX

Is This Your Business?

This picnic area is discreetly positioned in between Madisonville and Centerville on I-45 on the northbound side. There are no facilities, just a parking area and also some barbecue tables. On the north end there are some trees and also brush that supply cover as well as have trails and also courses behind them. There is likewise one on the southbound side closer to Centerville, but it isn't as excellent for cruising.

Hours of Activity

This place isn't too active
which is amazing because the now demolished picnic area north of Buffalo used to be very active. During the day
park at the far end and venture into the woods. At night
park around the second picnic table.After dark.

Who's Coming

On I-45, the northbound side is approximately 2 miles north of the TX-OSR exit, or about 13 miles from the TX-21 exit in Madisonville.

On I-45, the northbound side is approximately 2 miles north of the TX-OSR exit, or about 13 miles from the TX-21 exit in Madisonville.
  • Tap your brake lights or turn on your dome light as a way to discreetly signal to any other potential cruisers, and then head to the woods during the day or the second picnic table at night.Cruisiest Spot: Parking lot.
whos coming to I-45 Picnic Area