High Island Nude Beach


Bolivar Peninsula

Is This Your Business?

cruiser picture update 6/3/2009: The cross (undoubtedly to honor the losses of Hurricane Ike) and the barricades can be found on the entry way from Hwy 87. The "Nude" sign on the old box is just an indication you are heading in the right direction. Its about 2.5-3 miles east of the barricade on the beach. The picture of the hedges lets you know this about the point where you will start seeing people wearing little or no clothes and the other pics are just general landscaping so you know how the terrain looks. Everyone have a great summer and enjoy your time down there.

cruiser update 5/21/2009:Be aware that the dune that used to offer some privacy for players is GONE from one end of the peninsula to the other. The beach is level with the highway now and you will have to drive on the beach further than before to get to a secluded spot with a sandy beach as opposed to the pebbled surface more prevalent now.
Crowd: The first part of the beach is fishermen, then hetro nudes, and finally at the farthest north end gay nudes.

Neighbourhood: Texas 87 Bolivar Peninsula

Who's Coming

The first part of the beach is fishermen, then hetro nudes, and finally at the farthest north end gay nudes.

From I-10 at Winnie go south on Texas 124 to Bolivar Peninsual which is Texas Highway 87. Go north on 87 about 10 miles to the gay nude beach.
Cross street: Texas Hwy 124
  • Crowd:The first part of the beach is fishermen, then hetro nudes, and finally at the farthest north end gay nudes.
  • Directions:From I-10 at Winnie go south on Texas 124 to Bolivar Peninsual which is Texas Highway 87. Go north on 87 about 10 miles to the gay nude beach.
    Cross street: Texas Hwy 124
  • Hours:Days weekends but evenings are best.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Use some discretion but you will see everything. Keep a towel handy and don't be stupid. Don't just stand by your vehicle and jack off to every car or truck that passes by. You never know whether that car or truck has a cop in it or not. If the party in the car or truck is really inerested in you, they will let you know.
  • Nudity / Policy:Yes / You will see some of everything and every kind of action. It is probably a good idea to stay covered until you ae SURE that the party who just drove up to see your is not a Cop.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:It is a little far, and You need to be careful not to get stuck, or get arrested.
    Warnings: Be careful of the Sherrif's Deputy who may patrol the area in an unmarked car or truck.
whos coming to High Island Nude Beach