Hannover Gay Bookstores Sex Shops Theatres

  • No Limit

    Reuterstraße 2 , Hannover

    rating of No Limit
  • Beate Uhse

    Kleine Packhofstraße 16 , Hannover

    rating of Beate Uhse
  • Mens Point

    Goethestrasse 7 , Hannover

    shop with two cinemas - one gay. There is a a good deal of activity in the latter. The facility is open daily from 10am until 4am.
    Crowd: Mixed ages, some leather.

    rating of Men's Point
  • Irrgarten

    Reitwallstraße 4 , Hannover

    rating of Irrgarten
  • Joes Dark Play Rooms

    Odeon, 6 , Hannover

    A small video shop with a huge set of rooms at the back. Get a ticket for the cinema (Kino). Many cabins with screens and s between. Large SM room with sling, cages, etc. Wet room with shower. Drinks ...

    rating of Joe's Dark & Play Rooms