1990 Barrington Street
A city steeped in history, Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia, which boasts white sandy beaches and one of the world�s largest natural harbours. From Pier 21, Canada�s �front door� for more than 1,000,000 immigrants, to Grand Pr� National Historic Site, which marks the birthplace of Evangeline in Longfellow�s famous poem, there is a part of Canadian history in Halifax everywhere you turn.
Stand to attention as the cannon fires at noon every day at the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site. Strap on your �sou�wester� (a yellow slicker cap, for those of us not in the know) and take a drive along the rocky coastline to Peggy�s Cove. Mail a postcard from the post office in the famous lighthouse. Continue along the coast to Lunenburg, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Let Delta Halifax�s charm make you feel at home during your visit. Located in the heart of downtown on the Link walkway system, Delta Halifax is connected through an indoor walkway to our sister property, Delta Barring
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Commented on 7/16/2014 10:21:24 PM