A forest maintain with barbecue areas. The protect additionally has lots of remote locations to go after connecting.
Hours of Activity
Mornings before work
and after work are best times.
Who's Coming
From IL 394 S Exit on Glenwood-Dyer Road, Turn right onto Glenwood-Dyer Road, go to .7 mi to Cottage Grove Avenue, take Cottage Grove Avenue north 1.4 mi. to 183rd Street, then turn and go east 0.2 mi., then turn and go south on the forest preserve road. The nature preserve is within the forest preserve and south of 183rd Street and east of the forest preserve road.
From IL 394 S Exit on Glenwood-Dyer Road, Turn right onto Glenwood-Dyer Road, go to .7 mi to Cottage Grove Avenue, take Cottage Grove Avenue north 1.4 mi. to 183rd Street, then turn and go east 0.2 mi., then turn and go south on the forest preserve road. The nature preserve is within the forest preserve and south of 183rd Street and east of the forest preserve road.
- A cruisy park, drive in, back into parking spot and look for other cruisers. If you find someone you are interested in, pull up next to them and make eye contact. If the person seems interested get out act like you are taking a piss or flash your cock. Most action happens in cars; make eye contact, pull up next to them, continue eye contact. Some men go back towards the shelters.
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