Wilder Park


Is This Your Business?

Wilder Park is adjoined by Elmhurst public library and accross the street from Elmhurst college. I used to get paid all the time when I was a student passing through from Immaculate Conception by all these cruisers. When the weather warms up, men cruise and sometimes meet at the library bathrooms and behind the Lizardo Museum for privacy and steamy .
Crowd: Older crowd.

Who's Coming

Older crowd.

Take route 83 to St Charles Road south, then go north on York Street. Turn left before you cross the tracks in downtown Elmhurst.
  • Crowd:Older crowd.
  • Hours:Late nights in summer.
    Best times: 7pm
    Dates open: Late nights in summer.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Where it is the darkest.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:Teenagers who skateboard nearby.
whos coming to Wilder Park
  • This is a great place if you enjoy being arrested and going to jail!!

    Commented on 7/5/2008 10:06:58 AM
