The al-qasimi Building Durham University


Elvet Hill Road, Durham

Is This Your Business?

This is an area that despite being uni property, is hardly ever busy. It is highly inhabited by hairy bears, fair amount of asian men...the washrooms downstirs are fairly secluded. It does not matter how old you are as this is mainly a postgrad area witht the average age about 40's

Neighbourhood: University

Go up the hill past grey college, there is a right turning opposite collingwood college. IT is an easy 5min drive from the train station
  • Directions:Go up the hill past grey college, there is a right turning opposite collingwood college. IT is an easy 5min drive from the train station
  • Hours:Best times 11 am onwards, it usually closes at around 8pm
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Mainly hairy bears, a lot of asian men..go to washrooms...romps in upstairs rooms are possible but make sure you start/finish before the start of the hour!
  • Nudity / Policy:Please knock and whistle, have experienced some openness of people just showing you their , however this is dangerous!
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / There is handicap access.
  • Warnings:Be careful of genuine university students and postgrads...they usually join in oer turn a blind eye in my opinion. This is not v busy.
whos coming to The al-qasimi Building Durham University