Downingtown Gay Cruising Areas

  • Lloyd Park

    , Downingtown

    Crowd: Fishermen, People with dogs, Families etc.

    rating of Lloyd Park
  • Marsh Creek State Park

    , Downingtown

    A PA state park with a food stands, huge lake, boat rentals, pool, miles of trails and many parking lots.
    Crowd: All types. I have met soccer moms, bi-couples and guys.

    rating of Marsh Creek State Park
  • East Caln Park

    , Downingtown

    Best action is in the mens rooms. the are huge - and both lock from the inside for privacy. have met guys there 5xs so far for bjs.
    Crowd: mostly married locals.

    rating of East Caln Park
  • Kerr Park

    , Downingtown

    Guys cruise the parking lot closest to the
    park restrooms. Some activity during the day
    but busiest evenings before dark.

    rating of Kerr Park