Good action between the bushes behind the wall. Mostly interested guys - no male prostitutes.
Crowd: Mostly young guys. Some older men.
Who's Coming
Mostly young guys. Some older men.
Easiest by train. Else, a short walk from Galle Road.
- Crowd:Mostly young guys. Some older men.
- Directions:Easiest by train. Else, a short walk from Galle Road.
- Hours:After dusk until about 9 pm.
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Sit on the tree stumps at southern end. Soon guys will appear, some massaging their crotch. Make eye contact!
Cruisiest Spots: Southern end and northern end of parapet wall behind railway station.
- Wheelchair Accessible:No
- Warnings:Some police patrols at night (always in uniform!). So watch out.
Warnings: Better not take much cash or valuables.
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