West DuPage Forest Preserves
, Chicago
Crowd: Truckers, delivery men, blue collar guys on their lunch break.
, Chicago
Crowd: Truckers, delivery men, blue collar guys on their lunch break.
6300 S. Hayes Dr. , Chicago
It's much better in the spring and summer, although you can find some action during the winter. The front lot on 63rd right off Cornell is mainly used by young gay guys who just want to hang out. If y ...
, Chicago
Sit by the tennis courts and follow guy into the bushes for action.
Crowd: Jocks, regular guys running, lots of uncut meat.
Centre of East campus north of Library , Chicago
cruiser Adds 3/13/2009: There is a camera outside the restroom in the hallway now. If you are not a student or don't look like a student the UIC Police will arrest you on the spot no questions asked. ...
east side of campus (north end of library) , Chicago
Crowd: Mostly college guys, but all types of guys.
100 W. Randolph Street , Chicago
update 1/23/2009: The restroom in the Food Court is closed. However the other one near the PO Boxes is still open near the Food Court is still open!!
Fun at the urinals, usually move to stalls. ...
, Chicago
Young tennis players hit against backboard alone and non-tennis players sit alone on the bench on the other side of the fence nearest the river (very close to the court). If two tennis players are the ...
3601 N. Recreation Drive , Chicago
Some golfers coming in on occasion. There is a crack at the doorway to see if others are coming into the restroom.
Crowd: Young, old, all kinds.
, Chicago
Guys make eye contact in the showers and move off into the stalls for action. Lots of great-looking Polish men. No one seems
to patrol the facilities, so action not likely to be interrupted. Part C ...
77 West Jackson Blvd. , Chicago
Guys will usually connect at the urinals.If it is really quiet, action will occur right there, if not, many take it up one
floor to the restroom next to the social security office.
Crowd: Deliv ...