It is a great place for site seeing lots of eye candy -- vollyball is fun to watch. Some local gay bars have volyball teams. Most of the guys that sunbathe, look like supermodels. Small pier is a great romantic stroll and the rocks area is very cruisy day
Crowd: Total variety of shapes and sizes as well as ages! It makes you wonder if these people have jobs.
Total variety of shapes and sizes as well as ages! It makes you wonder if these people have jobs.
(You have to be logged in) Add Commenti had a hot time there this morning with a few nice looking guys.. I will be checking it out again 6/16 900-11am.
Commented on 6/16/2009 1:51:28 AM
I will be cruising there this a.m. around 9 -10:30 a.m.
Commented on 6/15/2009 2:44:59 AM
Checkig it out this evening after 8pm
Commented on 6/8/2009 8:28:11 AM
Im gonna check it out this morning arouind 830.
Commented on 5/25/2009 8:40:45 AM
how late r the bathrooms open till and when is the best time to cruise
Commented on 5/10/2009 7:02:04 AM
live close by. When I go for runs I usually jog right through this area. Anyone know when the bathrooms open up? And if they aren't open during the day time where do people cruise. Thanks guys
Commented on 5/7/2009 12:10:31 PM
will be here tomorrow around 12pm or so anyone want to meet?
Commented on 5/6/2009 1:40:22 AM
Will be heading out here tomorrow! Hope to see some of you here after 9PM! Will be walking around, going into the bathroom, end of pier, going to the forest especially, it's going to be a nice night, so let's get busy!
Commented on 4/15/2009 4:22:18 AM
As of Wednesday night the bathrooms were still open...I dropped a load in a cute Latin guys mouth around 9. Otherwise if the bathroom's closed, you can go to the end of the pier, or the wooded area at the southeast end of the park
Commented on 10/10/2008 6:40:43 AM
it seems the cops do a sweep at 11pm each night and everyone gets chased out. do guys return back after the intial sweep @ 11pm?
if so, how often do cops cruise thru late in the evening?
Commented on 8/1/2008 4:06:58 AM
Cruise here often and have had some hot fun too! I live close by! I am going to be home alone the next 4 nights, roomie is out of town. I would be UP for meeting on the beach at night and then move it to my place for some REAL fun! Let me know if anyone is interested..I can meet mid afternoon/early evening, or late= as in after dark!
Commented on 7/31/2008 9:45:18 AM
Will be here after midnight till 3am or so, use and abuse at will. will be wearing denim thong only, laying face down.
Commented on 7/12/2008 4:56:19 AM
Would like to meet someone there around 8 pm during the week...let me know if anyone is up for some fun then!
Commented on 6/25/2008 8:22:08 AM