Looking for some on the way to work, going home from work, after shopping or after the club? For all you guys who are riders on the subway, it is becoming a huge trend to ride the last car, known as the 'cruise Car'. It's making it real easy to cruise if we all ride the same car.
Crowd: Commuters looking for .
Commuters looking for .
(You have to be logged in) Add CommentI ride the orange line around 730am and then at 430 at madison and wabash
Commented on 1/10/2011 2:34:54 AM
Red line here. Usually ride from Loyola around 8am south to Roosevelt. Then back up starting around 5:30. Would love to show off with some guys, feel up a guy, or even jack someone to completion if discrete enough.
Commented on 6/12/2009 12:59:09 PM
riding the red line at 1030 -1045 from the clybourn stop. going southbound
Commented on 6/11/2009 11:10:38 AM
hotchef1987 i get on at addison around 9 last car most days going to grand on red line
Commented on 6/11/2009 10:26:42 AM
orange line around 4pm getting on at madison/wabash heading toward kedzie will be in the last cart
Commented on 6/11/2009 3:42:27 AM
do people still do it around 9-10pm??? let me know!!
Commented on 5/26/2009 8:34:00 AM
purple line in the morning 5/14 to linden at about 7 from belmont
Commented on 5/14/2009 12:48:51 PM
anyone riding blue line towards forest park tomorrow morning? will be riding from damen to harlem at 9 am.
Commented on 5/9/2009 12:12:48 PM
Red line fun.... Morse to Addison 1130 a.m.
addison to morse 915 p.m.
Commented on 5/5/2009 10:00:28 AM
yeah maybe i should, lol
Commented on 5/2/2009 12:42:06 PM
Tastey get on the 6:50 train its practically empty and you might even get someone to lend a and or mouth.
Commented on 5/1/2009 11:03:24 AM
well, i'm going the opposite way in the morning!
Commented on 4/30/2009 2:30:09 AM
I usually get on the orange at clark and lake around 830 850ish heading towards midway
Commented on 4/28/2009 12:36:55 PM
have had some 'interesting' shows and fun on Blue Line. Sometimes to full but often not..... ; )
Commented on 4/27/2009 11:08:18 AM
genisus would love to see you on a train
Commented on 4/27/2009 10:23:35 AM
What time genisus where you on. I take it daily to State & Lake but sometimes get off at Roosevelt for the Red line to Grand.
Commented on 4/27/2009 10:01:38 AM
i'm usually on the orange line in the mornings heading to midway, but no one on the last car but me LOL. . . there was an old guy today I was flashing just to see what he would do HAHA
Commented on 4/27/2009 8:01:56 AM
you're right drippin' no one is ever there. . .
Commented on 4/25/2009 11:16:03 AM
im always rubbin on the orange line from midway to the loop, but nobody's ever cruisin.
Commented on 4/25/2009 9:56:59 AM
BLUE LINERS......Any blue line riders from Forest Park into the city? I know we live out here, must be some riders!
Commented on 4/22/2009 12:09:42 PM
is the blue lilne less crowded on that side?
Commented on 4/22/2009 7:29:02 AM
damn it, I'll be going north about 7 LOL
Commented on 4/21/2009 12:13:02 PM
anybody riding the red line towoards downtown frm southside. around 5am
Commented on 4/20/2009 8:39:44 AM
damn. . .
Commented on 4/18/2009 1:25:18 AM
Tell me what day, what time and at what stop to get on and I will meet you on the purple line train tomorrow (WEDNESDAY). Let's get it set up now!
Commented on 4/14/2009 11:00:17 AM
anyone hitting the purple line tomorrow?
Commented on 4/13/2009 11:26:36 AM
I'll be on the purple line around 1015 ish toward linden
Commented on 4/7/2009 10:28:12 AM
riding the red line this morning 930ish getting on north/clybourn than again after the sox game from 34th st.
Commented on 4/7/2009 10:03:23 AM
Would anyone like to meet up on the BROWN LINE from Merchandise Mart to Kimball (north bound) around 6:30 this evening...let me know!
Commented on 4/7/2009 1:24:00 AM
anybody Cruising 4/03/09 late or early afternoon brown line or red line what are good times
Commented on 4/3/2009 2:53:03 AM
looking for those 11 inches? anyone gna show me some buldge? Im riding the red line this morning and afternoon. morning at 1030 and afternoon at 230
Commented on 4/2/2009 10:58:38 AM
If you wear a red bandana in your back pocket you could be mistaken for a gang member. I would advise against doing that.
Commented on 3/30/2009 10:05:07 AM
riding the last car on the red line this morning at 915
Commented on 3/30/2009 9:46:31 AM
what about the redline now, it shouldn't be too busy. . but frequent stops though
Commented on 3/27/2009 3:12:01 AM
OK..well the purple line would be best for me now. I could meet up with you on there from the Belmont stop. Could we make it a little later than 3:15 though?? How about like 4 or 4:30??
Commented on 3/27/2009 3:10:00 AM
the purple line from belmont starts running at 315
Commented on 3/27/2009 3:08:38 AM
Back home now. Could you do the purple line from Belmont now and about what time could you be there?? Let me know and we can finalize some plans for sure!!
Commented on 3/27/2009 3:04:14 AM
can you do it a little later? like around 5?
Commented on 3/27/2009 2:44:55 AM
Would like to do it sooner than that if possible. I could meet on the orange line too.....at Merchandise Mart....a good time for you?? Let me know if this would work better!!
Commented on 3/27/2009 2:27:27 AM
purple line starts running from belmont about 3ish
Commented on 3/27/2009 2:25:25 AM
Could meet on the purple line at Belmont...I am ready NOW
Commented on 3/27/2009 2:18:43 AM
I am UP for some fun on the train today! Just let me know what line and where you'll be getting on and off at!!
Commented on 3/27/2009 2:00:23 AM
anyone looking to watch on the train today?
Commented on 3/27/2009 1:30:33 AM
anyone get on from Quincy for purple line in the after noon (5 to 5:30) or at howard in the monring? let me know.
Commented on 3/25/2009 12:38:19 PM
damn, I should checked the site earlier!! Sorry I missed ya today!
Commented on 3/24/2009 7:19:43 AM
sounds like a plan,
Commented on 3/24/2009 2:39:31 AM
thanks genius just let me know. I am off today but will be downtown for a few hours and I will take brown line back around 6:00 from Merchaindaise Mart last car
Commented on 3/24/2009 1:48:56 AM
yeah francois1, I'll try to hit the brownline for you sometime!
Commented on 3/24/2009 1:29:53 AM
Anybody cruise the brown line mornings or afternoon. I usually ride brown line mornings around 9:00 AM last car or back 6:30 PM but never seen anything. I get on western ave and get off Merchaindaise Mart. 33 Hispanic male clean cut slim.
Commented on 3/24/2009 1:24:09 AM
okay. I will be on the last car of the redline. tomorrow morning 3/23/09. let me know when to board the train. I will leave around 8:30 ish.
Commented on 3/23/2009 10:22:41 AM
anyone cruise the green line?
Commented on 3/21/2009 6:36:42 AM
what line do you change to at belmont?
Commented on 3/20/2009 9:00:25 AM
i get on addison brownline and change at belmont heading downtown, or get on at addison redline to downtown around 9am usually, last car...just think skulls
Commented on 3/20/2009 1:14:36 AM
purple line out to linden in the am, or to loop from South Blvd in the evenings?
Commented on 3/17/2009 1:41:18 AM
Com'on Blue Line riders to/from Forest Park. Tell me when!!!!!
Commented on 3/11/2009 12:42:35 PM
havent seen anything ever...usually ride the redline south from morse/loyola around 5 on weekends and 6 during the week usually last or second to last car
Commented on 3/8/2009 5:39:16 AM
Any daddies on the red line from belmont heading to howard? i'd love to show my goods to you....let me know---i'm usually there around 5:40 or so...
Commented on 3/6/2009 8:33:10 AM
Taking the Berwyn to Sheridan @ 6:30, iso bulges and service
Commented on 2/28/2009 7:09:01 AM
Blowboy make sure you wear the red rag hanging out of your pocket LOL NOTTTTTT just kidding you dont need it to cruise you know what you are doing. My looks get me some all the time!!!
Commented on 2/27/2009 11:49:04 AM
Plan on being on the BROWN LINE from Kedzie to Merchandise Mart today (Friday) around 12:30 p.m. Can meet in the last car if anyone is UP for meeting, just let me know!!!
Commented on 2/27/2009 9:48:10 AM
Bport...contact me sometime at my e-mail address..I can't seem to send you an e-mail from here. We need to get together sometime again soon!! Let me know!!
Commented on 2/27/2009 1:45:40 AM
Will be on the redline this morning 9am heading south
Commented on 2/26/2009 9:33:16 AM
I'll be on the orange line tomorrow around 12:30pm leaving from quincy. Anyone interested?
Commented on 2/22/2009 3:26:49 AM
anybody riding tha orange line around 930 between 1130 going to midway watsup
Commented on 2/6/2009 8:15:03 AM
I have yet to have any luck on the red line. Any tips?
Commented on 2/5/2009 10:33:53 AM
Ya Jimbo he tried to follow me after I walked away from him I was TO SMART for him!!!
Commented on 2/3/2009 11:22:14 AM
Hey if anyone is interested in hooking up on the redline today let me know. The Loop heading north. lunchtime or after 5. Monroe stop.
Commented on 2/3/2009 10:28:04 AM
I'm gonna be in Chi-Town next month , i may have to check it out . Also , i've heard that the guy that claims to be a cop has been known to follow you down the street demanding money , then runs off when to take out your cellphone
Commented on 2/3/2009 10:25:54 AM
usually ride the brownline from fullerton to kimball ~7:20pm everyday, get on a fullerton last car, just look for the guy that looks like he's doing work
Commented on 2/2/2009 1:30:01 AM
I see hot looking guys riding shirtless in the last car sometimes on the brown and green. Of course that happens in June, July, August ... not right now!
Commented on 1/31/2009 10:17:26 AM
LOL The red scarf/hanky (a.k.a. bandana) in the pocket went out with Disco!
Commented on 1/31/2009 7:39:31 AM
Trains and Buses are TWO different things!!!!!!
Commented on 1/30/2009 12:59:08 PM
I have gotten PLENTY on the train and BUS as well u just have to have the right style to cruise. You need to be BOLD but at the same time respectful. Dont be afraid to take grab yourself get hard and let whoever u are interested in see it but dont be to over bearing about it!!
Commented on 1/30/2009 4:11:21 AM
I take the blue line from Cumberland and transfer to the Red. I get off at Grand and State. Looking for riding buddies if anyone is around.
Commented on 1/28/2009 6:51:53 AM
I am on the red line weekly from the north/clyborn stop to the grand/state stop always looking for a guy with a huge buldge. Anyone like to show it off?
Commented on 1/28/2009 2:48:44 AM
I'm on just about every line during the week depending on which office I have to go to or gym days ect
Commented on 1/17/2009 11:26:51 AM
I ride the green line from Oak Park into the city weekdays around 4:30-5pm
Commented on 1/17/2009 9:54:01 AM
i'm always on the trains, and try to ride the last car when ever possible. I've seen nothing. One dude started at me one morning but that was about it!
Commented on 1/17/2009 8:21:47 AM
anyone riding the green line during the week about 4pm?
Commented on 1/15/2009 8:14:50 AM