Very open so need to be careful.
Crowd: Mixed, mainly locals from the Tuggers area.
Neighbourhood: Bonython.
Who's Coming
Mixed, mainly locals from the Tuggers area.
Drakeford to Athlon and left onto Pine Island Dr, turn left past gate and Toilet is on the right.
Cross street: Athlon Dr.
- Crowd:Mixed, mainly locals from the Tuggers area.
- Directions:Drakeford to Athlon and left onto Pine Island Dr, turn left past gate and Toilet is on the right.
Cross street: Athlon Dr.
- Hours:Locked at night.
Best times: Lunchtimes during the week.
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Can see the road from the cubicle and can see inside the cubicle from the road as you cruise by.
Cruisiest Spots: Big cubicle.
- Wheelchair Accessible:No
- Warnings:Old guys.
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