Campbellville Gay Cruising Areas

  • Rattlesnake Point

    Guelph line near Crawford lake , Campbellville

    rugged trails,hikers rattlesnakes,beautiful vista.
    Crowd: hikers birders cavers,rockclimbers,bikers,18 year olds to 66 year olds,mostly bi curious,and married men,singles

    rating of Rattlesnake Point
  • Aggreement forest-Halton

    , Campbellville

    Rugged,wilderness walks,not a place for car cruisers.beaver ponds,pines, mossy areas, waterfalls, boardwalks, quite safe areas,lots of hiking trails.
    Crowd: Bikers,hikers,old guys,married men,dog w ...

    rating of Aggreement forest-Halton