Hospital Basement


Naval Hospital

Is This Your Business?

Basement men's room, with an extra washroom before the stalls and urinals. It is usually pretty quiet, but with some traffic around lunchtimes.
Crowd: Marines, sailors, civilian employees and guests.

Neighbourhood: Camp Pendleton

Who's Coming

Marines, sailors, civilian employees and guests.

Major men's room on the ground floor. You'll pass it on the left. from the elevators, toward the dining hall.
  • Crowd:Marines, sailors, civilian employees and guests.
  • Hours:Most times, when folks are working.
    Best times: 07:00-16:00.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Be discreet, but there is usually time to clean up before being discovered if you are quick.
    Cruisiest Spots: The center and last probably gets most of the chances for under the play.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:Yes
  • Warnings:Not well known, but some old writing indicates it probably gets its fair share of fun when no one is noticing. Keep it clean to keep it discreet and happening, please.
    Warnings: Governmental ination - only authorized personnel can be in the building, but they get too. Just don't ask, and don't tell. Enjoy.
whos coming to Hospital Basement