David Lloyd Health Club (Cambridge)


Coldham's Business Park

Is This Your Business?

Membership required,
has steamRoom, sauna, jacuzzi, swimming pool

Neighbourhood: Coldham's Lane

From the Sainsburys Roundabout go up Coldhan's Lane passed the airport on your left come to a set of traffic lights with the toyota garage on your right take the turning at the lights to the right follow road right down to the end and David Lloyd is on the left
  • Directions:From the Sainsburys Roundabout go up Coldhan's Lane passed the airport on your left come to a set of traffic lights with the toyota garage on your right take the turning at the lights to the right follow road right down to the end and David Lloyd is on the left
  • Hours:Club is open from 0630-2330 best time would be in the evening from about 9pm onwards.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Best place is either the steam room or the sauna or even the changing rooms
    All sorts of Guys go here from 18-60.
  • Nudity / Policy:Nudity in the Changing rooms
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / Yes
  • Warnings:Just be careful as straight members go here also.
whos coming to David Lloyd Health Club (Cambridge)