Old Marina Parking lot on Puslinch Lake


45 McClintock Drive Priv Puslinch Lk

Is This Your Business?

Private Area, great little beach

Neighbourhood: Puslinch Lake

Can-Amera Pkwy
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Townline Rd
Turn right at Lake Rd
Turn right at Butler Ave

Old Marina Restaurant Pushlinch Lake
  • Hours:From 1030 PM - 2 AM 7 Days a week

    After midnight is best
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Park with back of car facing the lake, leave headlights on. When a car drives up and you wanna play , blink your hazard lights a couple times.

    If pulling up and you see a car with lights on and hazards blinking, blink your hazards back so he knows your into it

    Men of all ages go here, and couples looking for a bi male threesome
  • Nudity / Policy:Nudity allowed
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No / Yes
  • Warnings:No Warnings
whos coming to Old Marina Parking lot on Puslinch Lake