Brossard Gay Cruising Areas

  • Parc De La Terre

    rue Tisserand , Brossard

    really big park, it's very long, stretches behind houses, lots of trees and bushes, very forest like

    rating of Parc De La Terre
  • Parc de la Marina de LaPrairie

    Sortie 47 de l'autoroute 132 , Brossard

    This is the park in La Prairie that is by the water. Not much traffic so it's easy to get some privacy.

    rating of Parc de la Marina de LaPrairie
  • Sears-Champlain Mall

    Tasherault Blvd. , Brossard

    Crowd: All ages, store clerks, local guys.

    rating of Sears-Champlain Mall.
  • Baie

    Champlain Mall, facing Lapiniere and Tasherault , Brossard

    Crowd: Business, students. A good assortment.

    rating of Baie
  • Marche au Village

    7800 Boul Taschereau , Brossard

    J/O sessions, guys in stalls like sucking you under the partition.
    Crowd: Locals and guys who work in the mall, no security.

    rating of Marche au Village
  • Under Champlain Bridge

    , Brossard

    Come and or !
    Crowd: Youth mostly, but some old daddy, too.

    rating of Under Champlain Bridge